Information the human body parasites symptoms of the disease, to begin treatment in a timely many, yet dire consequences as irreversible poisoning and total obstruction of digestive, respiratory, blood. The difference for me in another world, the world of parasite infestation annual statistical silently 1 ml of a guy. Today, human health depends on his personal activity. If symptoms of poisoning are vague reasons, insist, noise, the presence of modern diagnostic methods and emergency treatment must be done.

Determining the parasites in the human body, Allergy Research Branch is now considered a necessity today even before hospitalization, if the stool analysis! Characteristic symptoms only, the indicator about the infection in addition to a particular body organ general toxicity: sudden vomiting, diarrhea, allergic symptoms hives, rhinitis, as well as the sudden cutting pain in the digestive system organs and minds. Effect of parasites on the body depends, you can add indicators such as habitat and more. Some that provoke a dangerous disease, and why a quick death, the other slowly lowers quality of life, strength and health take the body and drunk. See the doctor urgently, because procrastination cure dangerous severe complications: meningitis, septicemia, peritonitis, intestinal, nervous system.
What are the parasites?
Noise – this organism, living it completely because of other, larger, body. The guy who lives in the province of Tekirdag, where localization open and ectoparasites income, from infecting. Parasite and species composition that can be viruses, bacteria, worms, insects, and even vertebrates. Something natural interference is unacceptable. On the contrary, in the process scientists are not aware of what it is and where it came from, is one of the reasons that people infected with persistent, low life expectancy still 1 – 2 centuries ago. Because deadly to many insects, and in some cases only qualified medical intervention to save lives. Skillfully disguises itself as other illness can take many years because of parasites other disease you cannot cure continues until, if their real reason.
Parasites which live in man
People, Remote Medicine, I believe, an extremely different type of the parasite worms living in the human body. Meanwhile, over 300 kind of food, micro-and macro-organisms, human cells and steal the plant's nutrients consuming the integrity of the walls of blood, lymph vessels, and organs, toxic blood. Additionally, many varieties and quietly self hosted when sharing a habitat. Do not interfere with each other finish, a flesh and blood man, a constantly growing painful health condition. Therefore, the determination of the presence of pathogenic microorganisms unicellular tests that should always be done, the Wolf.
In which the endogenous "predator" between the most dangerous human parasites:
- Amoeba: dizenteriya e. Nigeria, Acanthamoeba.
- Trichomonas: intestinal, vaginal.
- Giardia.
- Trypanosoma: Cruz, that energy, The Gambia.
- Antimony: Donovan, tropical.
- ʙalantidij.
- Toxoplasma.
- Periplasmic.
- Plazmodyum malaria.
- Babesia.
- Ile.
- Worms: hepatic, pulmonary, Chinese, pussy, lanceolate.
- Fasciolopsis.
- Egipetska to Fluke.
- Metagonimus.
- Schistosoma (blood worms).
- Latency is large.
- It didn't: rat, dog (rare).
- Dwarf, pork, Libra, Asia, and the brain.
- Tapeworm.
- Alveoli.
- Roundworm.
- Pinworms.
- The other dog).
- Vlasoglava.
- Girls gut.
- Hookworm.
- Worms Rishta.
- Trichinella.
- Brugia, Wuchereria.Loa-Loa.
- Virus.
- Angiostrongylus.

A small part of this Living Earth, a dangerous disease that threatens the parasite list, the brain, digestive, circulatory, lesions, nervous, endocrine, reproductive, all other body systems.
The route
Vectors such as parasites (and Dec, master) being, birds, rodents, flies, horse flies, mosquitoes. You're happy pets and fish. The main source of parasitic invasions dispersed parasites in an ill person with secretions, soil, water, inland waters, airspace.
Are transferred, such as:
- The digestive route (through ingestion) to take parasites contaminated water, ignore hygiene rules and processed food businesses. You wash it off vegetables, water slide, river while bathing. Eating half-cooked kebabs, sushi, fish River (i.e. enters the body, many intestinal helminth and protozoan).
- It is sufficient if household waste can be transmitted through contact with wash your hands frequently. Institutions money over the Scarecrow, Scarecrow, transportation, toys, household items. Handshake or kiss an infected person. Then the person with sick animals (parasites, to introduce almost all the way).
- Vector-borne (through the blood) pathogens and parasites in a way the larvae enter the body, then a biting fly, mosquito, tick, bird, animal.
- Thanks to you embed via percutaneous infection occurs when parasites and larval tissue with mucous membranes, skin covers (anisotropy, System).
- Infection occurs through inhalation, thanks to aerogenes, and egg parasites (e.g. cysts).
- Send baby intrauterine Transplacental route parasites (nematodes, toxoplasmosis).
- It is transmitted through sexual contact, Trypanosoma, Trichomonas.
- Transfer operations in the hospital after a bad transfusion treatment tools.
The main factor contributing to increased growth zarahemla human parasites are: insufficient personal hygiene, bad food and water processed for public consumption, then a proper examination, the doctors appeal.
The condition in the human body parasites symptoms
The symptoms of general infection and localization properties of a specific location by pathogenic micro-and macro-organisms. Parasites there are:
- Intracellular (affecting the cells). For example, Toxoplasma gondii, leishmania, Plasmodium.
- Wife: living spaces, intestine, lung, urinary tract, and other organs. It didn't, pinworm, hookworm, roundworm, latency, whipworm.
- Fabric: extraction of living, blood (haemosporidia of microfilaria, Trypanosoma). Nov stripes (trichina, Sports Bookmakers). In the brain tissue (toxoplasma, larval worms, tape, Trypanosoma) and nerve fibers.
All this classification is quite arbitrary because many parasites if it is moved continuously, the migration does not harm the organs and tissues of different. The invasion of the common symptoms are as follows:

- dyspeptic disorders: diarrhea, vomiting, constipation, flatulence, pain, digestive system;
- allergic symptoms: rhinitis, rash;
- Nov pain, joint;
- view Papillon, lipogranulo warts in growth of fibrotic;
- slimming or weight gain;
- nervous disorders: anxiety (or drowsiness), irritability (apathy), insomnia;
- bruxism (clenched teeth involuntarily during sleep rasps);
- immune, represented by a quick cold.
For parasites pathogenic viruses, bacteria, fungi that causes an infectious disease. Common symptoms seen after exposure: high fever, sore throat, headaches, stomach pain, runny nose, cough, sneezing, and other.
Determine the presence of parasites
In addition, when any of the other organs and tissues, dominant distinctive marks.
The most appropriate place for a life of parasites: high humidity in hot weather, Wednesday pH – neutral. Symptoms intestinal lesions:
- constipation;
- diarrhea;
- gas;
- intestinal obstruction;
- pain, spastic type, with abdominal cramps;
- reduction of body weight;
- vomiting;
- irritability;
- the lack (or increase) of appetite.
Overcome human weakness, fatigue, lack of motivation, movement.
The following signs of a parasite infestation symptoms:
- nausea;
- burp;
- drooling;
- violence and explosions, stomach;
- diarrhea;
- bleeding stools;
- itching due to pinworms in the anal region;
- cough due to irritation in neuroreceptors.
Feb possible price a bowel phlegm and blood groups.

- the pain in the right hypochondrium;
- burp;
- nausea;
- allergic urticaria;
- yellow sclera, mucous membranes, mouth and skin;
- hair loss hair follicles;
- weakness;
- irritability;
- anemia.
In the middle is a swelling in legs, abdomen.
Distinguishing signs:
- fire;
- gasket, increase lymph nodes and pain;
- the rash on the body;
- dizziness, headache;
- thirst;
- lethargy, drowsiness;
- shortness of breath;
- circulatory disorders, increased numbness and cold extremities.
Not necessarily because many parasites destroy red blood cells anemia develops.
When the heart
Always the lungs and heart failure symptoms.
- cough;
- shortness of breath;
- nervousness, fear;
- weakness;
- the pain in the chest area;
- arrhythmia, bradycardia;
- air, fire, arda, tremor;
- HELL the soul;
- sweating;
- a pale face, neck;
- anemia.
Symptoms of hypoxia: cyanosis of the skin, fingertips, mucous membranes of the mouth and nasolabial triangle.
Characteristic symptoms:
- shortness of breath;
- shortness of breath;
- seizures, dry cough at night;
- asthmatic bronchospasm;
- allergic rhinitis, sneezing;
- chest pain;
- rapid pulse;
- nausea.

Maybe the foam separation insufficient sputum and blood cells.
Under the skin
External symptoms:
- small red itchy rashes, skin blisters large edematous skin;
- ulceration, abscesses, warts, eczema;
- fire;
- night sweats;
- busy moving in the areas of granulomas under the skin;
- anemia.
Frequently, allergic cough, runny nose.
In the eyes
Distinguishing signs:
- along with inflammation of the conjunctiva, burning and itching;
- pain in the eyes pain, and when you move an opinion one way up;
- Flying Fruit Fly football in front of his eyes ready;
- mucous of the mouth the eye;
- items split blurred vision;
- headache, dizziness;
- swelling of the eyelids;
- blue under the eyes.
Characteristic features worm infestation
Worm parasites that cause diseases are considered invasions of any group is different. Or penetrates into the body on purpose in a random way, numerous worms no bodies, live or settled artists and their migration. The result is parasitic disease called.
With the help of suction cups hook worms There, stronger, where they are. Why this trail, wounds and bleeding, mucous. Larval movement, creates a comfortable space passes into the body tissues other organs. Any living organ and to choose to reach them. This state transition intestinal worms, most pathogens initially hits, blood vessels, liver, lung, brain, heart. Consider how a foreign entity that causes an action in which the parasites symptoms of the body is a man.
Syndrome, disorders of the stomach and intestines
Many worms place a permanent life-the different sections of the digestive system in the human body. This violation of her natural features. Among the dangerous symptoms of worms:
- bloating and gas formation;
- continuous violence and pain in different areas of the digestive system;
- recurrent colic;
- oil stains fecal masses.
Irritable bowel syndrome – the presence of helminth often friends.
Bile internship

On top that prevents parasites may be the result of his large bile ducts and obstructive jaundice. In such cases, most often require surgical treatment.
Constipation and diarrhea
There are chair symptoms worm infestation violation. Severe diarrhea alternating with constipation interest with the use of poor quality food or malnutrition. Constipation intestinal parasites, resulting in the accumulation of mechanical sites overlaps. Help: without special comment, some of the helminth metabolism, causing diarrhea and sodium chloride why is violated.
Natural intestinal flora, which can cause an interference violation livelihood. Often, however, symptoms of dysbacteriosis themselves imaginary, by taking the traditional probiotics is a treatable condition is impossible.
Lowering immune
Environment take the lion's share of food, worms, violation of protective functions of the immune system. They weaken the body, therefore, a person can become easy prey for communicable diseases – respiratory, intestinal, Nov weakened skeletal system, the broken heart, and other organs.
Emergence, Nov and joint pain
Nov tissues and surrounding tissues and joint pain resolves able to cause interference in this hotel. Frequent swelling and arthritis symptoms. Provoke autoimmune response the presence of helminth antibodies are produced in the body in healthy tissue destruction.
Fluctuations, body mass index
Why normal for weight loss due to malnutrition is able to the presence of the parasite body. Generally, a person's growth, body mass index, they feel a lot like constant hunger and willingness to compensate for missing nutrients. Constant weight fluctuations using satellite – infecting parasites.
Due to the presence of helminth developing anemia, low blood hemoglobin. This way only the blood loss, damage to mucous helminth vacuum, but the violation of the synthesis involved in the matter in the blood production. Do not allow useful substances to the mucous membrane ulcers soak, which is required for the normal synthesis of red blood cells and other blood components.
Vitamin deficiency
Vitamin A deficiency may develop all the symptoms in the body that is infected. Disorders of the gastrointestinal tract doesn't allow you to absorb them exactly the same from me, a large part of meal worms.
Sleep disturbances and irritability
Violated in the presence of a foreign body all natural processes. Toxins poison effect on psycho-emotional status. Interrupted because of intoxication of the nervous system, the brain, the person becomes restless, continuous "tense," excitation turns into apathy.
Chronic fatigue
Syndrome, constant fatigue as a result of intoxication of the organism. The environment degrades there Performance, interest in life, even in the daytime hours required to perform the job pack it up and hard. Dropping cognitive ability, reflected in a growing child's body especially hard.
Oncological diseases
The general weakening and deterioration of the body, certain organs may lead to the development of cancer. Loss, immune, poison, and dangerous substances are produced, worms, continuous tension, the nervous system that can cause tumor development.
Differences symptoms in children and adults
Basic symptoms of worm infestation in the body in the development of is the same, it's for people of all ages. Determined some characteristics of underdevelopment are the children immune system and the infection is more dangerous, more adult. More frequent exposure to children by worms. The result of this is owing to the following reasons:
- Weakness and defects of the immune system;
- No advanced skill hygiene;
- More often, and what pitch, contact with animals, soil (particularly dangerous sandbox games), es.

Children are most often infected with pinworm, Ascaris this and other. Helminths in the development of additional symptoms that can be monitored, missing adults:
- More severe allergic reactions and symptoms of poisoning the body. Parasites usually fails that occur in time. Atopic dermatitis often developing.
- Goiter, A is developing very fast. At the first sign of the work that is required to control the presence of parasites microflora violated child.
- Slowing growth. An adult person stops and the child loses weight, normal growth.
- Drowsiness or anxiety, often the caprices and tears.
- Delay psycho-emotional and cognitive development. Head Start children's learning is holding a spouse who can keep up, not just growth, but development. This is especially in young children, in a way.
The infecting parasites for diagnosis and treatment required in children as soon as had normal development for a child and wouldn't leave es.
Allergic reactions
Why poison the body and various properties of substances such as worms in the process of life allergic reactions. Secreted during many toxins, especially skin parasites. The treatment of foreign substances, the immune system as dangerous for the body, and provoke the production of immunoglobulin E, an allergy signs. Rashes a different character, can be difficult to treat. Don't get rid of them without helminth in the body is impossible. Air dry to wear it could be allergies, cough, disorders of respiratory functions.
Skin problems, acne
Food exist without the body, the parasites provoke deficiency, vitamins and trace elements. Dermatitis this way, the insufficient moisture of the skin. The oil glands appear in the body, which is also broken as a result of acne, boils. Skin symptoms are often the presence of helminth corruption.
And still have a real long-suffering, bed bugs are considered for a human being: they are the life of the parasite, feed a man and settle down with her blood. Biting insects may be painful irritation and itching. The disease disguises itself thousands of parasitosis, therefore, to determine without a visual, it is not possible for laboratory studies. Detection of parasite depends on the accuracy of diagnosis and treatment for a while the early stages of infection.
Medicine without the doctor's permission etc .. etc .. you cannot. Toxic to protozoan parasites and worms for destruction all drugs used, not only to them, but in the human liver.
Helminth treatment
Choosing a drug .. etc .. etc .. why opt for a wide spectrum of remedies. Great action kurt preparations absorbing ability deprive nutrients, cells and destroy them. No roundworm, pinworm, larval tapeworms, and other parasites. It is used to treat Taeniasis, enterobiasis, hookworm, ascariasis. Trihomoniaza and as well as relieve echinococcosis nematodes, pinworm, whipworm, Ascaris, Toxoplasma, necator. The security people took a drug for medicinal drugs according to two criteria Dr .. etc. .. etc., deprived of the characteristics of parasites, nutrition and Metabolism – the liver less harmful. And drugs, paralysis of the worms, making them more toxic to human motion. Self medication tools etc .. etc .. this can't end well.
People turkey recipes
Children, women, nursing mothers, babies and pregnant women, oldies excretion in a safer way, many parasites antiparasitic Turkish folk instruments:

- Fresh fruit with Pulp pear juice, carrot juice is recommended for the treatment of children. 50 ml of drinking on an empty stomach one hour before meal a week, 10 days.
- Pumpkin seed. You need an empty stomach chewing raw seeds Yesil with thin leather (different strong de-warming properties). Seed daily servings 250 gr to 400, then drink a laxative a few hours that requires pills. The duration of treatment 3 to 5 days.
- Infusion, beaten fresh pomegranate shells. The mass shell poured boiling water 1 cup (250 ml), a thermos, to insist 1,5 hours. Filter. Dosage – drink on an empty stomach every 4 hours, it is a laxative before bed.
- Water cascara. 300 ml water 3 tsp milled raw material. Boil on low heat for 15 minutes, to insist 2 hours, drain. Norma day: - 30 ml, 5 times.
- Infusion of Wormwood, and tansy flowers. It is taken in 500 ml water, 3. h. l. the mixture of dried flower powder (or fresh weight). Boil 5 minutes, insist to cooling. Filter. You need to accept up to 50 ml a time, morning, noon and evening on an empty stomach for 5 days.
- The main triad. Equal parts dry powder collection, Artemisia, spices, clove buds and the use of tansy, 1 tsp 4 times on an empty stomach, eaten throughout the day as thoroughly , squeezed fresh water.
- The garlic. Body cleansing for parasites you need every day in the morning and at night on an empty stomach, eat unsalted bread 2 – 4 shizuoka for a week.
- Ancient miracle worm medication prescription: salted herring and great meal a day is a bulb. Now it is forbidden to eat or drink anything until the evening. Evening out collectively with stools intestinal worms climb.
- Castor oil + cognac. A unique effective the last Soviet recipe: cocktail ingredients, mix 50:50, sip a drink in the evening is always the answer instead. The clock will all be at 3 in the morning, Wolf. If not treated again, we have a couple of more days.
Parasites, bear, red peppers, sorrel, for this reason, in the diet as often as possible. This treatment and Prevention. Additionally, in the treatment process to exclude a daily menu, sweet, fatty food you eat. As well as oil, milk, sweet products, canned and smoked.
Prevention measures
Today, almost all parasites imported from foreign countries. Travel, to consult a doctor in choosing an antiseptic in tropical countries. To prevent infection, internal parasite, you need to follow hygiene rules:
- Constantly wash your hands.
- Rinsing vegetables, fruit, boiling water.
- Consumed half-cooked meals: stroganina, beef blood.
- Avoid buying ready meals and products in trays, benches, tents.
- Unknown not bathe pools, lakes, rivers.
- Not walk, barefoot, dirty air, sand.
- Not drinking water, natural resources and water.
- Let's have children, iron animal and people with a marginal view of foreign contact.
Human parasites are constantly neighbors and companions. To prevent infection generally fails. The disadvantage of the body the first symptoms to consult an expert for help. The early diagnosis of the parasite infestation, which will help prevent a serious defeat organs. Take care of yourself and their loved ones!