Infection, intestinal worms and parasites quite common for the human body in the modern world. Galatasaray attack – disease, accompanied by next to unpleasant symptoms. Parasites suck the nutrients and vitamins to cells and tissues, and a person receives in a number of health problems. Parasite treatments can effectively execute with the Turkish folk remedies. For drugs, drug actions, even if they are speeding down .. etc, but no adverse reactions to the organism.
To, to protect themselves from intestinal worms and parasites, possible sources of contamination that you need to know:

- Dirty hands. Hand washing with soap and water after each visit to the streets and toilet. This action is effective, however, that guarantee is no danger in the process, his own life, different things we are in constant contact with people and objects. For example, to keep the accounts of public transport, the Scarecrow, the store paper bills to the mix.
- The insects. Tarsus carriers fly and mosquito larval parasites. Therefore, it must cover the windows and doors of the house in the summer, black-out curtains and do not leave food, outdoor dining set covers and towels.
- Water. Often unboiled liquid may live, different egg parasites, so drinking water before you boil.
- Pet dander. Located circle dears, monitors, wash and comb them out regularly from time to time wool.
- Some foods. In need of wash vegetables and fruit well before you drink. You should not store shelves weight eat nuts and seeds peeled.
Symptoms of parasites in the body
The presence of parasites in the body, they say you experience the following symptoms:
- Constipation. Some Kurdish and large, normal defecation bile and intestinal channels in a row and intervention process.
- Diarrhea. Microorganisms capable of allot substances, stay thinning.
- Bloating and gas formation. The inner part of the small intestine, Japanese, Wolf, causes inflammatory reactions in the body.
- Bowel spasm. Parasitism of organisms in the digestion of fat in a food is much worse. This is why fat deposits accumulate in the intestinal wall and spasmodic reactions.
- Pain, joint aches and Nov. Parasites settle in the joint fluid and often Nov. The immune system is trying to cope with uninvited residents. During of this struggle a man he feels is similar to pain and arthritis.
- It's an allergy. Waste products produced by the worms exposed to attacks immune protection cells, eosinophils. Last Labour was insufficient, the body poison. Various allergic reactions in humans begin to show.
- Skin rashes. The presence of the parasite rarely causes dermatitis, eczema, and ulcers, papilloma, skin.
- Anemia. Depending on the ability of intestinal parasites in the intestinal mucosa may be a useful suck and food is a part of it. Sometimes the blood cells required by the food and capable of significant blood loss caused by worms, why is anemia.
- Excessive or insufficient weight. Parasites consume glucose and fullness to the body that shows mainly products have plenty of poison. The process of metabolism in the patient with a broken thin strong.
- Nervousness and anxiety. Kurt's nervous system and produce toxic waste violations of human damping effect.
- A sleep disorder. Approximately 2 – 3 hours a night toxins accumulated in parasitic liver throws. Most often, during this time, the eggs, the worms have him accumulate anonymous passages and irritation of mucous membranes. The anus start from scratch and 'T' complaints.
- Bruxism during sleep. Parasites nervous system toxic effects of the body violated.
- Chronic fatigue. When the syndrome is the result of parasites in the body of nutrients and consume them because of that.
- Oncology. Has been working for a long time, running leads to degradation of some organs and tissues of microorganisms in the human body.
- Respiratory disorder. If you go into the body while moving the parasite and the airways in a patient that arise symptoms cough, runny nose and fever. That may indicate the presence of pneumonia and developed asthma or body.
Observed in patients the increased appetite and a craving for sweets irresistible and flour. Usually that is accompanied by symptoms of headache, nausea, and a welcome breath. Pooping apparent specific infected the nervous system exhaustion and dark circles under the eyes.

Regional recipes and parasite remedies
Garlic juice
Garlic is rich in a lethal dose of containing. Struggling with this matter, various types of microorganisms and displays them out. Import schema that must be followed to achieve the result of the following: at least 3 times a day swallow, 5 drops of garlic juice. Desire to do this, an hour before you eat. Of the week then you will be able to increase the dose up to 7 drops.
It is also an effective tool against intestinal worms and parasites – a glass of sour milk and 1 teaspoon chopped garlic ground black pepper that is added to a thin head. Mix and sip it an hour before you eat. Procedure 5 days.
Walnut infusion
Kernel, walnut-rich essential oil – eugenol that has deadly Ayse noise exposure. Grind the nuts to a kernel (it is necessary up to a tablespoon) and add a glass of wine. Insist mixture for at least 3 weeks. 3 to 5 meals ready to receive the infusion. A quantity should not exceed a daily dose of 5 times.
5 g of dry powder purchased from the pharmacy clove and poured a cup of boiling water. This mixture is then heated in a water bath for 1 minute, the infusion at least 30 minutes. A teaspoon 3 times a day 20 minutes before meals come in for a drink a decoction of.
Tip! Eating fresh cloves every day must boil, how quickly the composition evaporates active ingredients.
Tincture cock
Chanterelles – fungi unique. The concept of the parasite that kills them Hainanese article. The tincture is just a mushroom that is used. Clean, fresh mushrooms, alcohol should insist for about two weeks. Consume a teaspoon before going to bed along with the 7 days.
Infusion of Tansy seed and dust
2 tablespoons dried Tansy flowers needed for cooking and pour them out 1 L of boiled water. Push for an hour. The rules for the intake of finished tincture:
- 1/2 cup of adults should be taken for at least 3 times a day before eating;
- in the same line to give to children a tablespoon.
Help! A more powerful vehicle and can be purchased in pharmacies, worms – tansy Seed Powder. To him should be applied twice a day before meals for adults, a teaspoon for children – half a teaspoon.
Wormwood Tincture
1 tablespoon 100 ml of grown pelin. alcohol and insist in a dark place for approximately 14 days. You need to drink the finished tincture, 3 times a day 20 — 30 min. before meals 15 — 20 drops.

Crushed pumpkin seeds
The pumpkin seeds contained in in harmful interference for the article – cucurbitina with a paralyzing effect. 300 g peeled pumpkin seeds and grind with honey or mixed with water 1:1 ratio. Mix a cup of drink on an empty stomach. No eating 3 hours after that that takes a laxative.
Carrot juice
Carrot seed plant containing substances and they affect the parasites at the cellular level.
All the pieces together that will be more beneficial carrot juice, carrots. Drink fruit juice any time of the day, but not more than 2 cups every day. Most high efficiency when there is no water in the morning on an empty stomach. This is the week to take courses. To secure a result after 14 days of the procedure.
Pomegranate cork
A unique item in the shell with a grenade – cloak. This kills any microorganism.
Help! An official Cape of acceptance an anthelmintic drug. Of the substance concentration of 0.01% is capable to destroy completely all the parasites and larvae.
For food, medical infusion to get about 50 g. fresh shells, pomegranate and poured into 400 ml. boiling water. The resulting mixture insist, then it is boiled for 6 hours until the infusion volume is reduced twice.
Treatment application schema and the shell of the pomegranate tool:
- small sips, you need to drink the infusion, the quantity received, in an hour;
- after you receive the bidet to get in 30 minutes of a laxative;
- Is not consumed within 4 hours, food and liquid;
- complete the procedure for cleansing enema.
Ginger root tincture
Stem ginger, cineol, friendly and vanillic acid, intolerant substances include, for parasites. 500 gr. the grated root pour 500 ml. vodka and insist, within 15 days, this tincture is shaken with a capacity each day. Half an hour to get a teaspoon before meals 3 times a day.
Average bulb requires peel, in small cubes and pour a cup of boiling water. Insist on drinking half a cup of love and in the morning on an empty stomach and a half a cup before going to bed. The course instructor) spaced a week to 10 days.
Grate radish and squeeze out the juice you need to root a small. Water before drinking a tablespoon diluted in a glass of boiled water. Consumed 5 – 7 days before each meal.
Worm grass
Thermos 500ml. boiled water put 2 tablespoons of dry herb tanks. Give let it sit, the tension in the day split into 4 equal parts. Consumed follows:
- have to get 10 days in a row for adults, ½ Cup, medicine, etc for 1 hour before meals;
- the same time, children should eat 1 tablespoon 3 times a day.
Laundry soap
All of the soap solution kills germs on the skin and doesn't allow them to penetrate into. Laundry detergent necessary to wash your hands after the toilet and after streets of each neighborhood. Rinse the soap solution after a bowel movement anus. This process kills all parasites and their eggs accumulated in the anus.
You can use baking soda to deal with vermin taking in from the outside:
- The outer. Dissolve 2 tablespoons of 700 ml. boiled hot water. They do an enema with this liquid once a day for a week.
- Inside. To get a glass of boiled water 1 tsp. baking powder. Drink the solution on empty stomach. The need for 10 minutes before taking a glass of plain water.
Coriander seeds
Warm butter in a pan and ground a handful of seeds in a coffee mill. Approximately 4 to 6 days 1 g of the powder is added to food or drink consumed. 3 times a day.
Watermelon seeds and milk
Cook watermelon seeds to the milk calculation is 1:10. Grind them in a blender and mix with milk. Drink on an empty stomach, a cup tool for a week.
Papaya seeds containing carnitine effectively displays and a worm of a different kind. Seed Powder diluted in a teaspoon for a glass of water or milk. The food is taken first thing in the morning .. etc along drug 7 – 10 days.
Black walnut

Contains a lot of antifungal and anti-parasitic substances. Fruit contains juglone, which has the smell of iodine repellent micro-organisms. Walnuts combines various tannins, ascorbic acid, organic acids, and flavonoids.
Black delight buying Buddy easiest pharmacy. Alma organized them in the following diagram: seven days after admission, a seven days in Dec and once in 4 days.
Measures! Black walnut lowers pressure able, therefore, you must install that order intake for hypertensive patients: the recommended dose is 1 capsule a day and slowly bring to first by the manufacturer. You cannot use the drug .. black walnuts etc., during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
Tips for the efficient use folk remedies
Brought for treatment against parasites maximum, flat-screen satellite need the following recommendations:
- Better brew some herbs, pieces of cold boiled water, insist others. For clarifying this in advance is required.
- You'll need to brew the herbs in enamel or glass containers only.
- Best to apply fresh decoction of plants, not more than a day life.
- Cannot use a microwave oven to cook to boiling.
- Do not add sugar the taste and infusion solutions in order to improve qualifications, such as sugar and reduces and medicinal properties medicine .. etc.
Benefits of Turkish folk remedies
Indeed, the benefit of using decoctions and infusions of public funds on the basis of intestinal worms and parasites that contains all natural herbal ingredients. When used correctly, they Why not, allergic reactions, and it definitely is harmless to the human body. In addition, almost none of the negative effects of the folk medicines in Turkey.
Medicines and folk remedies, while reducing not only kills the parasites out of them, but to have an effect curative effect the following body systems:
- the normal intestinal microflora and the treatment of goiter resulting on the background of the parasite life;
- has antibacterial effect, for the whole body;
- re-broken metabolic process;
- to contribute to strengthen immunity.
Treatment of intestinal worms and parasites, Turkish folk tools are quite fast and efficient. Only need to adhere to, such as applying a dose of this medicine, allergic reactions etc .. and make sure to them. If you are using, or drugs that the patient will not begin to manifest characteristic symptoms, you need to stop the treatment and seek the advice of an expert.