Different organisms can inhabit the human body. Those that harm human health through their vital activity are called parasites. Parasites in the human body are not necessarily worms, they can be other living organisms that cause damage to humans. Dangerous parasites can inhabit the entire territory of the earth. So what are parasites and how do they affect humans?
Types of parasites
There are more than 2000 species of parasites in the human body. They are divided according to their type, way of existence, methods of reproduction. There are also obligate and facultative parasites.
Mandatory parasites can live only in the body of the host. Mandatory intracellular parasites are completely dependent on their host, so they do not seriously harm it.

Optionally can live part of its life cycle as a free-living, the other part can be kept in the body of the host. They can all affect different internal organs and tissues. Some of them have existed for a long time and at the same time do not manifest themselves in any way. The appearance of others is accompanied by characteristic symptoms.
Human helminthiasis is caused by various worms. There are currently more than 300 species of helminths in humans. It is found among worms, both mandatory parasites and optional. Also, depending on the form of interaction of the parasite with the host organism, they are divided into two groups: ectoparasites and endoparasites. They belong to different classes and can parasitize in different organs. Worms in humans are one of the most common diseases; geohelminth worms are the most common. The appearance of worms in humans can be provoked not only by dirty hands. You can get infected from pets, livestock, fish, and dirty water. The disease depends on what types of worms have entered the body. To understand what effects worms can cause, you need to understand what worms are. By knowing what worms can occur and their characteristics, you can protect yourself from infection.
- Roundworms. Most of the worms in this class are parasitic. The main differences of this class are: dioecious cavity, existing anus, the presence of a primary body cavity. The most common types of helminths in humans are roundworms, pinworms, Trichinella, whips. Roundworms are geohelminths, ie no temporary host is needed for their maturation and reproduction. All their vital activity can happen in one organism. Some geohelminths in pets can become dangerous to humans, such as toxocara worms.
- Tapeworms are parasites in the human body that live mainly in the intestines. There are two groups of tapeworms: biohelminths and geohelminths. Most of the worms of this species are biohelminths. For their development, they must enter the body of an intermediate host, which is cattle, as well as fish and mollusks. The most common tapeworms in this group include bovine tapeworms, tapeworms, echinococci, alveococci. Tapeworms can grow to large sizes, parasitizing the human body. The longest worm - the broad tapeworm can reach 25 meters in length.
- Shoots. One of the most complex organisms that can live in humans. All of these parasites can infect various organs. All kinds of worms of this type cause trematodes. Methyl, hepatic methyl, lanceolate methyl, are methyl methyl.
- Scratchers or worms with prickly heads are among the smallest tapeworms. These types of parasites are quite rare in the human body. You can take them from sick fish. They parasitize only in the intestines because they do not have a digestive system. Also in the human body there are representatives such as giant scrapers.
Protists are the simplest organisms. They belong to a heterogeneous group of living organisms. Protists cannot be classified as animals or fungi. Protists are unicellular, colonial, and less commonly multicellular organisms. Some of them can parasitize in the human body. The most dangerous protests are Plasmodium falciparum and the dysenteric amoeba. Parasites can cause diseases such as malaria, dysentery. Different species cause severe pathologies in humans. And if they are identified, you should consult a doctor.
Various insects, especially those living in tropical countries, cause entomosis. Entomosis causes various pathological changes in human organs. The eyes, skin and gastrointestinal system are most commonly affected. Various insects can cause entomosis:

- Mosquitoes, fleas and bugs - infect unprotected areas of human skin.
- reptiles and flies - infect humans by laying their offspring in the form of eggs or larvae on wounds on the skin. You can also become infected with certain types of flies by ingesting their larvae.
All insects that parasitize the human body have the ability to release toxic substances. Depending on the pathogen, the clinical picture appears. Insects can have allergic and mechanical effects on humans.
UP - 7 most common parasites
Parasites living in the human body can cause serious diseases. We offer the top 7 of the most sinister and terrible parasites that can inhabit the human body. From the list you can find out which parasites live in different countries and how dangerous they are.
- Philaria.A thin long worm found in tropical and subtropical areas. The parasite is transmitted by mosquitoes. Filariae cause such a terrible disease as elephantiasis. In the countries where the parasite was found, more than one hundred and twenty million people suffer from elephantiasis. Filarias parasitizing the body clog the lymph vessels. Then the person begins a strong growth of the limbs.
- Anisakidi.Anisakid larvae have long been considered harmless. But in the middle of the twentieth century, scientists found that the disease anisakidosis can in some cases even lead to death. You can become infected with parasites from poorly cooked seafood, including fish. Anisakids are one of the most terrible parasites in humans. Anisakid larvae entering the stomach provoke the formation of tumors and the development of ulcers.
- One of the most famous parasites is the bovine tapeworm.After being infected with a worm through dirty hands or raw meat, a person may not know about the disease for a long time. Geohelminths of this species cause severe weight loss. In size, being in the owner, it can reach several meters. Sometimes they live in the body for many years, not manifesting at all.
- Schistosome.With the development of tourism, this type of parasite began to expand its geography. Living in tropical wild forests, the schistosomal parasite can enter the body when swimming in water bodies. May cause serious liver or bladder disease. Especially dangerous for children. In the child's body, the schistosome provokes the development of anemia and is able to stop growth.
- Ришт.Inhabits the subtropical regions of Asia and Africa. Dracunculiasis, which causes earthworms, is a dangerous disease. During the laying of the larvae of the female, it pierces the skin of the host. The person feels severe pain and itching. There is a high risk of contracting dracunculiasis when drinking dirty water.
- Parasites mainly affect the digestive tract, liver and skin. But there are species that live in the brain, such as thecysticercus.They can live up to 30 years, causing mental disorders: hallucinations, depression, short-term memory loss.
- Toxoplasma.One of the most common helminths on earth. There are two types of toxoplasmosis: congenital and acquired. In the first case, the infection occurs in the womb. It most often causes serious pathologies and leads to fetal death. Acquired disease affects the central nervous system and can cause brain cancer. Toxoplasma often causes schizophrenia.